Once Upon A Time...

Sunny's version:
There once was this cute girl (hey, it's my story!) and an even cuter guy who had been dating for what seemed like an eternity. She was ever so patiently :) waiting for him to "take things to the next level." As the holidays passed by and Valentine's Day quickly approached, she kept thinking (and hoping) that "it" had to happen soon. Just a few days before Valentine's Day, February 11th to be exact, this guy and girl had a date night planned. They went to Tempe to a steak house that was one of their favorite restaurants. They had a nice, romantic dinner (because this couple is VERY romantic!!) and headed to the park across the street. At this point in the evening, this girl starting to think that something may just happen that night. Months beforehand they had mentioned while at this same park how this could be a good place to get engaged. Once they arrived to find the park closed (what luck!) she thought to herself this is NEVER happening. A little disappointed but still having a good time they headed back to the car. This guy said they could just drive to another park instead. While driving, this girl failed to realize that this guy was trying to be even more romantic by playing "love songs" all throughout the ride. They arrived at the park and got out of the car. They had been to this park numerous times and in fact, their first date was here so the girl didn't think anything of it. Until... the guy grabbed a blanket out of the trunk. Hmmm... he had never done that before so the wheels started to turn in her head. They walked around the park and the guy insisted they keep moving forward and not sit yet. Finally, he found the "perfect spot." He spread out the blanket and before the girl could do anything else, the guy was down on one knee with a ring in his hand. There was some "mushy" stuff said and then he popped the question. She said "of course" and cried like a baby.

Adam's Version:
What she said.

Jokes aside, we've been married now for almost three years! Married life is awesome! We decided to head back to the steak house in Tempe to celebrate. Adam was a lot less nervous this time than he was three years before. He was able to eat in comfort and enjoy time with Sunny. She has been such a great wife. She's focused on our marriage and making it better, she's beautiful, she's loving, she's smart, she's fun, she's funny. Really, she's everything Adam could have ever wanted. Adam is truly grateful to have her in his life.

AWWWW!!! See how lucky I am!! Anyway, we won't bore you anymore so here are a few pics from the night.

And they lived happily ever after!!