She sat for the first time on the 24th for about 20 secs. Her "sitting" is soooo funny. She is sitting up pretty well and all of a sudden in slow motion.... ttttiiiimmmmbbbeerrr! And then she just laughs :) She now rolls immediately from her back to her side or stomach as soon as you put her down. She can grab all of her toys on her own and switch them from hand to hand, but her favorite toys are probably her own hands and feet. Besides sucking on her own feet (gross, huh?!) she is mesmerized by feet, toes AND shoes (smart girl)!
She is constantly making noises, babbling, gurgling and laughing now. She still has quite the personality and "talks" non-stop. Hmmm... where does she get that?! :) She LOVES being around people and she LOVES attention!
She has grown SO much just in this last month. We had to take her to the doctor on Monday because she had a "goopy" eye and we are still overly paranoid first time parents LOL and she weighed in at 15 pounds!!! Now, she was wearing all her clothes including jeans this time at weigh in, but 2 pounds in a month?? It is crazy how fast she is growing. She has rolls all up and down her legs which are SO freakin' cute!
She is still eating rice cereal once a day or so and cries if we don't get it in her mouth fast enough. She finally figured out how to actually eat it and not just spit it out anymore. And now most of it goes in her mouth and not all over her! Her sleeping habits have also changed a lot! During this last month, she was up EVERY few hours and would not sleep more than 2 hours at a time. This past week or so... sleeping straight from 9:30/10 until 5:00 am! WOHOO!!!!! We think the sleep disruption was caused by a growth spurt which definitely makes sense now that we see how much bigger she is. We had to pack away the first of her clothes this week and yes, Sunny totally cried.... go ahead and laugh now :)
One of her favorite things to do is still read and we probably read about an hour or more a day. She loves her books and now grabs them from our hands while we read to her. Can you say College scholarships!? :) She still loves playing in her jumperoo and is finally tall enough to stand in it without a pillow under her feet.
She is constantly making noises, babbling, gurgling and laughing now. She still has quite the personality and "talks" non-stop. Hmmm... where does she get that?! :) She LOVES being around people and she LOVES attention!
She has grown SO much just in this last month. We had to take her to the doctor on Monday because she had a "goopy" eye and we are still overly paranoid first time parents LOL and she weighed in at 15 pounds!!! Now, she was wearing all her clothes including jeans this time at weigh in, but 2 pounds in a month?? It is crazy how fast she is growing. She has rolls all up and down her legs which are SO freakin' cute!
She is still eating rice cereal once a day or so and cries if we don't get it in her mouth fast enough. She finally figured out how to actually eat it and not just spit it out anymore. And now most of it goes in her mouth and not all over her! Her sleeping habits have also changed a lot! During this last month, she was up EVERY few hours and would not sleep more than 2 hours at a time. This past week or so... sleeping straight from 9:30/10 until 5:00 am! WOHOO!!!!! We think the sleep disruption was caused by a growth spurt which definitely makes sense now that we see how much bigger she is. We had to pack away the first of her clothes this week and yes, Sunny totally cried.... go ahead and laugh now :)
One of her favorite things to do is still read and we probably read about an hour or more a day. She loves her books and now grabs them from our hands while we read to her. Can you say College scholarships!? :) She still loves playing in her jumperoo and is finally tall enough to stand in it without a pillow under her feet.
Quincy just gets better and better with age!! :)