Blessing Day - November 8, 2009

On Sunday, November 8th, Quincy was given her baby blessing at church by her daddy! We were so excited to be able to share this day with family and friends. A father's blessing is such a wonderful thing to be given and Adam did an amazing job!

Some quick "highlights" included:

Blessing her with the knowledge that Heavenly Father loves her.

Blessing her to know how much we love her and how many friends and family love her as well. Blessing her with a strong and fervent testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and that she will be faithful to her testimony.

That she will desire righteousness and choose the right.

That she will seek out higher education and higher learning.

That she will develop her talents and use them to help others as well.

That she will be an example to others and a leader among her peers.

That she will be healthy and strong and live a long, healthy life.

That when the time is right, she will meet a man who honors his priesthood and will take her to the Temple to be married where she will then have a family of her own.

In the circle were:

Adam, Poppy, Grandpa, Great Grandpa, Uncle Jason, Great Uncle Anthony, Art and Bishop Trendler.

After church, we had all our family and friends come over to our house for some "grub." Nothing like honey baked ham, rolls, cheesy potatoes and pumpkin pie to finish of our celebration! We are so grateful that so many of our friends and family came to support Quincy. She is a very lucky girl to have all of you in her life!