Flashback Friday!

 I am working on a video for my grandma's 80th birthday (shhh... it's a surprise!) and have come across some oldies but goodies, so I thought I'd share! These pics probably wont mean a lot to all of you in blogland, but, this is our blog... so tough! :)

I can't tell you how excited I was when I ran across this picture!  I REMEMBER this day and never knew a picture even existed.  This is my grandpa, my sister Lindsay (on the left), my uncle Jonathan (yep, he's younger than me!) and yours truly on the right.  My grandpa used to take us for rides on the tractor around the cabin.  We thought it was SO cool and sometimes if we were lucky, he'd even let us "drive!"  This picture was taken within a year of his death.  My grandfather was AMAZING!  He delivered my sisters and me (he was an OBGYN), laid a foundation for all of us to follow and loved my grandma more than anything.  More than twenty years later, I still have people come up to me to tell me stories of my grandfather.  What a legacy he has left behind!

This next picture made me literally laugh out loud! (Sorry mom!!)  Soooo.... I have only heard stories since of course I wasn't around, but I guess my mom was, how do you say it.... OBSESSED with the Osmonds growing up.  She was convinced that she was going to marry Donny and my grandparents only encouraged it more by taking her to every concert, event, etc that they appeared at.  Above is a picture of my mom and the Osmonds.  I love it!  My mom is SO cute and quite edgy with her short little dress (I was actually told this was long compared to some of her dresses LOL).  If you look closely, you can see her grabbing for his hand.  Just think, I could have had Donny for a dad!! :)