We are now exclusive members...


Of the Phoenix Zoo... WOHOO! :)

Quincy is a HUGE fan of anything having to do with animals and since she has such mean parents who haven't given in to owning any such animals yet, we thought she at least DESERVED a zoo membership! :)

We have held out in hopes that someday we would see weather below the 100 degree mark. Seriously, it's fall... Arizona you need to get your act together! Well, Saturday was ONLY supposed to be 95 so we headed out to enjoy our nice fall weather LOL.

Try telling this to Quincy! :)

Told you we had fun... Adam's facial expression says it all!

The zoo seemed to be a hit. Quincy's favorite was probably the petting zoo and, yes, Sunny let her pet the animals, but as soon as we left she was hosed down...errr, I mean sanitized head to toe. :)

Yes, that is Adam in the background carrying a purse!  Poor guy :)

We are looking forward to many more zoo excursions in our future. It's fun to see members of our family... we mean the animals!! ;)