Two Months!! July 31, 2009

Has it really been two months?! Quincy had her two month doctor's appointment and shots on Friday, July 31st. Sunny was dreading this appointment and not sure if she could handle the shot part even though all she would be doing is watching! :) She (Quincy, not Sunny LOL) received 4 shots and one oral vaccine. She SCREAMED when the she got the shots, but as soon as Sunny picked her up, she stopped. What a little trooper! Her stats at her two month appointment were:

Weight - 10.04 pounds (50th percentile)
Height - 22 1/2 inches (5oth percentile)
Head - 15 (40th percentile)

In other words... She's perfect!! :)
Here are a few fun facts about Quincy at two months!!

She has grown so much over these last two months. She is also developing quite the personality! :) She wakes up every morning smiling and spends most of the morning and day happy and smiley. The evenings are a little "rougher." :) She tends to get a little cranky from 4-7 ish... perfect timing for when Adam comes home. LOL Although, the last week or so she has seemed to be getting better. She is sleeping really well. She usually "naps" from 7-9 PM and gets a bottle around 10 PM. We put her down after that and she usually sleeps until 2:30 AM or so... BUT... the last few nights she has been sleeping until 4:30 AM or 5:00 AM!!!! WOHOO!! The only downside to her early mornings is that she likes to stay up from that time on. :) She is definitely a morning person!

She's getting really strong, too. She likes to sit up (with our assistance of course) and she holds her head up pretty well. There is still a little bit of "bobble head" motion going on which is pretty funny. She also likes to be held with her head looking over your shoulder so she makes sure she sees what is going on. One thing about Quincy is she LOVES to be around people and feels left out if you leave the room for a minute or so. She's not going to be the center of attention or anything. :)

She still likes riding in her stroller and going for car rides. She usually goes with Sunny shopping to some store during the day and takes her naps while in her stroller. She naps a lot better out and about than she does at home. She's been shopping A LOT... poor Adam! :)

She LOVES music! She has this funny looking seahorse toy (kind of like the old glow worm toys) that plays music and the belly lights up. We have named him "Kevin" after the dog in the movie, "The Proposal." She is so cute with Kevin. She wraps her arm around him and freaks out if you try to take him away. LOL When we put her down at night, we put her down with her pacifier and have Kevin play one "round" of music. By the end of the song she is usually out cold and Kevin gets put away for the night. Most kids have a blanket or something that they carry around... she has Kevin! :)
She also has a new love for her bouncy seat! She got it a few weeks ago at her shower; this thing is awesome! She kicks around to make it bounce more and just likes staring at the hanging toys. She is starting to realize that she can bat them around with her hands and gets so excited when she does it.
The life of a two month old... not too shabby, huh!?

This outfit is the same outfit she wore in her newborn pictures... Do you think she has grown any?!?! :)