Ok...so we are a LITTLE behind in updating! :) Sorry, we have a new little priority in our life who takes up most of our time and we wouldn't change that for the world!! Everyone will just have to be patient. :) We just KNOW you've been waiting for our updates. :)

Adam had to go to Florida on a business trip so Sunny and Quincy had the BRILLIANT idea of tagging along and making it a family trip! We flew into Ft. Lauderdale where he had to work a few days first (darn work always gets in the way!!). We were both nervous about the flight over with Quincy. She's a great baby, but flying across country for almost 5 hours makes both of us fussy, so we were sure we would be "that couple" that everyone hated by the end of our flight. She was AWESOME!! Our flight left extremely early that morning and even getting a 4 am wake up call didn't seem to bother her too much. Sunny's mom dropped us off at the airport a little earlier than we needed to be since she had a prior engagement. Seriously, Mom... anyone who has an engagement at 6 am needs their head examined. :) We still love you anyway!!! We checked our bags and headed to get breakfast at Chili's. Oh yeah, our airport is classy... we have a Chili's! :) During breakfast, we decided it would be best not to let Quincy sleep... how's that for irony?! Keeping your baby awake!!
After breakfast, we went through security. This was probably the hardest part of the entire trip. A stroller, car seat, diaper bag, camera bag, laptop, purse and a baby later... we made it! On to our gate. We are now included in the "pre-boarding class," a "free" perk included while traveling with an infant. Sure enough, we got the "looks." You know EVERYONE that saw us was just hoping they were not seated next to us on this flight. Lucky for us, the seat by us was empty, so Quincy got to travel in style in her own car seat. We buckled up and prepared her bottle for take off. Her face as we were taking off was priceless and of course our camera was nowhere within reach so you'll just have to trust us. She ate and before she even finished, she was out cold. She slept almost the ENTIRE flight!!!!!!! Have we mentioned before how we have the best baby ever?!?!?!?! :) In fact, she was so good, when we got up to leave the guy a row over looked over and said, "whoa, there was a baby there." Such a proud parent moment LOL.
While Adam slaved at work for a few days, Sunny and Quincy hit up all the shops in the Ft Lauderdale area. It was pretty rough! :) We toured our hotel which was great (and totally paid for by work thank you very much!! LOL) and sweat like we had never sweated before. We are such wimps! We'll take the dry heat any day over the humidity! Poor Sunny looked like Monica on Friends... you know the episode where her hair just got bigger as the day went on while they were in the Caribbean?! Sunny's hair and humidity just don't work well together!! LOL Adam was able to join us for dinners and our late night trips to the Dunkin' Donuts! They have those on EVERY corner... must be rough! :)
After Florida, we headed up to Sunny's Aunt and Uncle's beach house in Daytona Beach. We were SO excited. Our family trip had now officially started since Adam was done with work, plus, we were able to see family and introduce them to Quincy. Their condo was amazing!!!!! They sit right on the water and you are about 100 feet from the ocean, or if you are not in a beach mood, 20 feet from the pool. We were in heaven!!! We loved beachin' it baby style (a little different than our trips childless but even better if we say so), hanging out at the pool, taking Quincy swimming for the first time (priceless!!), chatting it up with family and just relaxing. Now THIS is how you vacation. We're a little jealous that they get to do this EVERY DAY!! LOL Thank you SOOOO much for your hospitality, love and let's not forget that amazing steak house!!!! We can't wait to come back!!!

On Sunday, we drove into Orlando for church with our family. After church, we went and saw their new home which they built. Not sure if this is possible, but it was even better than the beach house. We parted ways at that time and headed to our hotel where we would be staying for our next leg of the trip. Yes, we now had been to Ft Lauderdale/Miami, Daytona Beach and now Orlando. We had managed to basically "tour" Florida!! We made sure to get a good night's sleep because tomorrow.............

We left our hotel bright and early, parked our car and hopped on the monorail. We were at the gates right when the park opened! Sunny was probably a little more excited than Adam at this point. LOL She's a Disney freak and Adam... well, he always said we could plan a trip to Disney once we had children. It didn't take Sunny too long, huh?! :) Seriously though, the park is just magical. You walk in and can't help but have this huge, cheesy grin plastered across your face! We were able to go on all the big rides right away with no wait at all. They have a "parent swap" where one parent waits to go on the ride while the other waits with the baby. Once the first parent rides, the second swaps and goes right to the front. Have we confused you yet?! That was probably the biggest bummer because we couldn't ride the "big rides" together, but the no line thing seemed to make up for it. The park was pretty empty that morning, which was another bonus. After we hit up all the big rides (we wanted those out of the way before the crowds got there), we were able to take Quincy on "her" rides! She went on the Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, Small World, the Train and a few others too! She just sat there mesmerized most of the time by the lights and sounds and even managed to sleep the entire time while on Pirates. She was THAT impressed! :) Once again, she did great! She LOVED riding in her big girl stroller, slept part of the time, rode some rides, drank her bottle while we filled up on churros and got her first pair of mouse ears! What more could a girl want?!
It was a LONG day! We stayed until 11 pm (we did leave the park at 4 to go to dinner), but wanted to get in as much as possible!! Adam even left with that same cheesy grin plastered across his face. Told you that place was magic!! :)
Our trip was coming to an end, but we couldn't have had a better time!! We LOVED every minute of it, and trips now have a new meaning as we get to go with our daughter now too! Sunny is now hoping Adam has a few more business trips coming up.
Oh yeah, in case you were wondering, Quincy slept the entire flight coming home too! We just MIGHT have worn her out!!! :)
Ya'll come back now, ya hear! :)